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The Active Ingredient Cannabidiol in CBD Muscle Rub – Explained

Over the last couple of years, CBD-infused products have surfaced on shop shelves, pharmacy racks, and online dispensaries. Many are using these products as an alternative option to over the counter medication. Not only has it been proven to relieve symptoms from pain but it also serves as a coping mechanism for those with mental health.

man's face

More recently, cannabidiol has been combined with a variety of pain-relieving ointments and herbs and transformed into a CBD-infused muscle rub. When athletes have sore muscles after rigorous exercising, they can use this rub directly on muscles as a pain relief.

With the ingredient, cannabidiol, performing active properties, it is a definite go-to for many active people. To understand this component much better, let’s dive deeper into the world of cannabidiols.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a component within the Cannabis plant, it is known as one of the 113 identified cannabinoids. Another popular and well-known cannabinoid is THC. THC is the main active ingredient within a cannabis plant and is responsible for psychoactive effects.

Both these components can be found in a variety of different Cannabis sativa plants, which includes hemp and marijuana. Learn more about the differences in hemp, cannabis, and marijuana by watching this short clip:

Even though there are loads of different cannabis plants within the sativa family, hemp and marijuana are the most popular kinds being farmed. This is because they have the highest quantities of CBD and THC. The main difference between the two is that CBD has therapeutic properties, while THC has psychoactive effect. Used as a recreational drug, people would smoke leaves of the marijuana plant to achieve a ‘high’.

Researchers discovered that through different extraction processes would they be able to remove the CBD component from the hemp plant flower. As a result, users can still experience all the great benefits that cannabinoids have on the body, without feeling ‘high’.

Through different extraction methods, the molecule cannabidiol (Formula: C21H30O2) is extracted. One might think that it is green, just like the plant, but actually it is a solid colorless crystalline.

This compound is then infused into edibles, oils, rubs, and leaves to be digested by those looking for a more holistic approach to achieving balance in the body. Read this for more information on how CBD muscle rubs are made.

high angle photo of person pouring liquid from bottle inside mortar and pestle


The main question everyone considering getting a CBD-infused muscle rub is asking is – ‘How does a compound within a weed plant treat pain?’. There’s a great answer for that.

While researching different cannabinoids, researchers accidentally stumbled upon a system within the human body. This system is known as the endocannabinoid system. It’s basically a complex network within the human body that produces natural cannabinoids.

Once cannabinoids are released into the bloodstream it connects with different receptors that have an active effect on different bodily functions. When connected, enzymes within the system break down the cannabinoids. As a result, sending signals to different parts within the body that is affected by the brain and other neurotransmitters.

Whenever you smoke THC, your endocannabinoid system experiences an extreme state of relaxation because THC connects with different parts in the body. Once THC is eliminated and only a CBD rub or oil is used, it has the same relaxing and pain-relieving effect without the psychoactive experience.

CBD-infused products like those found on Cheefbotanicals, have therapeutic effects because of its high cannabidiol levels and low THC levels. When investing in a cannabidiol-infused muscle rub, you don’t have to double check the THC-levels though.

This is because a rub only penetrates the skin and muscle in that specific area. It doesn’t penetrate so deep that it gets absorbed into the bloodstream. Meaning that you won’t get high from a THC or CBD infused product.


Cannabidiols have sparked so much interest within the food and drug industry that many are investing millions of dollars in further examining the compound. Specifically narrowing down whether muscle rubs can penetrate deep enough to actually relax and relief pain within skeletal and deep tissue muscles.

With there being no risk involved in trying CBD-infused products. You are free to find out for yourself whether cannabidiols work as a pain relief.


5 Ways To Make Your Next Family Road Trip More Entertaining

Family road trips have long been a way to bond with those you hold dearest to your life, and family bonding is just as important now as it has ever been. In the wake of the global pandemic, taking to the open road seems like a super appealing way to get the family out of the confines of the house.

Before you start to fret about adding more confinement in the car by going on a road trip, take the time to think creatively. Start now by reading through a few ways to make your next family road trip more entertaining.

Use snack time to teach

There are always teachable moments in life, and there’s no reason why you couldn’t make snack time a teachable moment on your next family road trip. Teach your kids how manufacturers use nitrogen gas to keep the crunch in their chips.

Talk about the road trip their food has before ever making it to their plate. The unusual environment will make the knowledge more memorable and hopefully more lasting.

Brush up on some old games

There comes a time when electronics just don’t hit the spot for entertainment, and there’s more bonding to be found when the whole family is engaged. Bring out the old road trip game log from your childhood, and let your kids in on some retro fun.

Try teaching your kids the glory of a good game of “I Spy.” Play a game of round robin, license plate scavenger hunt, punch bug, or 20 questions to help facilitate family interaction, laughs, and subsequent smiling memories.

Charge up the devices

There’s definitely merit in all the entertainment technology has added to today’s mundane moments. Make sure you charge up all the entertainment devices before hitting the road, and give your kids time to game out or scout their friends on social media while the miles pass.

Have a good playlist at your disposal

Music is arguably the best part of a great road trip, so make sure you work up your best possible road trip playlist before leaving the house. Take the time to download your playlist too, so connection issues don’t end up spoiling the fun along the way.

Plan an unplanned pit stop along the way

You may find that even after all measures have been taken, the road is just too long to endure without interruption. Plan ahead for those unplanned moments.

Check out what the road has to offer along your travel route, and choose a couple of different possibilities to break up the monotony of the trip. If the kids are getting restless, you may want to stop at a petting zoo or novelty shop for kicks.


How To Keep Your Staff Happy At Work

Keeping staff morale high in the workplace is vital for not only the benefit of the staff but also for productivity. There are so many simple things that you can do to ensure everybody is happy and enjoys their time at work. Here are a few ways to make sure you’re providing a happy and comfortable work environment for your staff.


Something as simple as making the office chairs and tables comfortable for your staff will make them enjoy being there more. It is also important for their health; ergonomic furniture is incredibly important for staff that spend most of their time sat at the desk. Office furniture can also change the whole atmosphere of the space too. If you have outdated, tired, dull looking furniture, then that will instantly make the office feel like a dreary, miserable environment. If you need help forming a office furniture Romeoville IL, don’t worry as there are companies that can help you with this. You just need to let them know what kind of workspace you would like, as well as any specifics that you need, and they will help to design the perfect space, with the perfect furniture.

Open-Door Policy

Having some sort of open-door policy can make a workplace feel more comfortable, and enable your staff to be more open and honest with you. You don’t need to necessarily leave your door wide open all of the time, just let your staff know that they can talk to you whenever they need to, and that they can be completely honest with you. This kind of policy can also encourage feedback; employees will be able to tell you if them and their co-workers feel something needs to change in the office, which again will allow you to improve and make their work life better for them.

Recognize Their Development

Introducing a bonus scheme is a great way to motivate your staff to work as hard as they can because they will see an achievable reward at the end of the year/month etc. Even introducing an employee of the month scheme will boost morale and make your staff feel valued. It isn’t a necessity within a business to do these sorts of schemes, but it will show that you care and appreciate your staff.

Out of Work Events

Hosting a work event will enable everyone to get to know each other in a non-work environment and become friends with each other outside of work. This can help your staff to feel comfortable, thus boosting teamwork. Christmas parties are a classic work event that most people are familiar with, but why wait until December? A summer party could be a great option if your staff need to let off some steam and enjoy themselves.

Keeping your staff happy is vital in the workplace, so don’t overlook anyone who is working for you and your company. Make everyone feel valued and let them know that you appreciate all of the hard work they are doing for you.


What Are Car Title Loans and Can They Help You?

If you need money fast to pay bills, or a home emergency has struck, a car title loan is designed for people like you. To qualify for a car title loan, you must own your own vehicle or owe very little on it. Should you not keep up with repayments, you will risk your car being possessed. To give you more clarity, here is a guide on what car title loans are and how they can help you.

What Is a Car Title Loan?

Title loans are very similar to payday loans and they work in much the same way. Like payday loans, car title loans are short-term and the lender doesn’t perform a credit check on the applicant. Unlike a payday loan, however, a car title loan is secured on an asset, which in this case is your vehicle. The amount you can borrow is determined by the value of your vehicle and where you live. So, if you own a BMW in mint condition and you live in Beverly Hills, you can borrow a lot more than someone trying to borrow against a wreck whilst living in a trailer park in Detroit.

Applicants can borrow as little as $100 and as much as $10,000.

How they Work

Car title loan applications are usually done online. You can normally borrow between 25% and 50% of the car’s value, and you must own the car’s title. Cars covered by an existing finance agreement through another lender are not eligible for a car title loan.

To complete your application, the lender will want to see the vehicle, a clear title, proof of insurance and photo identification. If you can’t repay the loan on time, the lender has the ability to repossess your vehicle and sell it to get their money back.

The Effect on Your Credit Score

Car title loans are a great way to get instant cash. However, if you don’t repay the loan, it could push you into more debt. Car title loans charge higher than usual rates of interest, although not as high as bad credit payday loans. The earlier you pay off your loan, the less it will cost you, so don’t borrow more than you can afford.

In most instances, a car title loan Bloomington il won’t have any impact on your credit score. While this may sound great, there are some cons too. Not only do most car title lenders not run a credit check, but they don’t report your payments to the credit bureaus, meaning this kind of loan won’t benefit your credit score if you’re trying to improve it.

Reasons to Take Out a Car Title Loan

If you have a home emergency that needs sorting immediately, a car title loan can be a good way to cover the cost and bring you peace of mind. They can also be useful for managing debt, paying unexpected bills and covering the cost of an upcoming family vacation.

If you need quick cash and you have bad or no credit, a car title loan may be the best option to take. To avoid paying additional fees or losing your car, make sure that you read the terms and conditions and stick to the repayment schedule.


7 Simple Tips to Be A Successful Professional In Cybersecurity

In recent years, it seems like cybercrime has continued to be on the rise. This is especially true when it comes to data theft. The thing with data theft is that it can occur to both individuals and a business regardless of you thinking the data is not very valuable.

When a data breach occurs, it always happens within a system portal that is easily accessed and desirable. The data thief then has free range to steal as much information that they want in order to cause serious damage. The losses sustained can be a considerable amount when you think about it. When a data theft occurs, the financial markets could easily crumble.

Now that we have an understanding of why having a cyber security professional is important to have, we have listed seven things required to be successful in any cyber security career.

1. Have a Strong Desire

If you have spent the last 10-15 years in the same career field that has no potential to advance, and you have always been involved with cyber technology, then it may be time to make a change.

As you get started, make sure to choose a specialty within cyber security by gathering information from various seminars or job fairs. Once you have the necessary information from what interests you the most, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

2. Make Sure Your Knowledge Fits the Position

Not only does it make sense to have the knowledge and skill for a career, but it is also a requirement if the position duties involve the needed knowledge to be successful.

When it comes to job hunting, having the knowledge to match the position can make the difference between getting the job and being passed up. The knowledge could also be looked at more than any other qualifications as you go through the necessary steps such as a certification.

Being able to obtain the necessary knowledge is not always an easy task. The reason why is because many hiring managers are looking for more than one type of knowledge base. So how are you to achieve the necessary knowledge if you have none that can back you up? To achieve the most knowledge it is best to find volunteer opportunities.

3. Obtain Qualifications

Obtaining knowledge besides through volunteering can be achieved through by becoming qualified through job-related trainings such as cyber security training Australia. Going through trainings such as this can provide great value towards a cyber security career.

Being qualified is dependent on several aspects including the position you are seeking, your background, and the skills you possess.

If no other training seems to be a good fit, then your best bet would be to obtain a certification known as a CISSP qualification. You will notice that 9 out of 10 job postings will list this as a necessary certification.

4. Establish Contacts within the Field

Networking and establishing contacts within your chosen field is what needs to be done first and foremost. You can do this virtually via social networks and LinkedIn as well as on the streets.

You will gain several advantages due to becoming involved with others who share the same career interests. A few examples include being focused on your path, being able to decide if the field truly is for you, and accepting criticism.

5. Expressing Your Knowledge

Having the right amount of experience, education, and ability is never going to be enough. Professionals within cyber security need to be capable of expressing their knowledge as they prepare their employment application.

This preparation includes developing a resume so you are able to express all of your relevant experience and skills related to the career you’re applying for. Be aware that it is never a good idea to send out resume’s that are general in nature as they can be easily ignored by a hiring manager.

6. Develop Personal Attributes

To be fully prepared for a career in cyber security you must be able to develop your personal attributes. This means you must be able to communicate effectively in a social setting and work setting. When you express this ability you will see an increase in offers for employment.

This is a challenge that many encounter on a daily level. However, you must be able to overcome this difficulty because the cyber security field collaborates with many other departments throughout an organization.

7. Review Your Options

Getting an offer for employment is a great feeling and experience. This is especially true when you are totally new to the career. This is why you need to weight all of your options if you have received more than one job offer. This way you can make an informed decision based on what was offered to you and the company itself.

How to Create the Perfect Feature Wall

A feature wall is the pinnacle of any living space, a focal point to center your room around, provide an eye-catching aspect and bring harmony and symmetry into your space. Getting a feature wall right can be tricky, especially if you have an odd-shaped room, but there are many great ways you can make a feature wall really stand out.

Choose a Wall You Want to Be Facing

You want your feature wall to be the center point when you’re spending time in the room, so it makes sense to choose the wall which your furniture is most centered around, such as the wall which your couch is facing. Ideally, you want the wall to be centered in the room, and one of the largest walls.

Try to avoid choosing a wall which is broken up or disrupted, such as the wall with the doorframe or any windows.

Be Bold

It is possible to make a feature wall choosing more neutral colors if that’s your preference, but to really make an impact with a feature wall, it’s better to go bold and bright. If the rest of your room is neutral, it’s especially important to make your feature wall a contrast which is going to stand out.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with bolder colors or large-patterned wallpapers, as these will work well on feature walls. You can also combine wallpaper with paint to create a harmonious effect with complementary colors along one wall.

Introduce a Fireplace

A fireplace is a fantastic feature, not only for the room as a whole, but to make your feature wall stand out more. Fireplaces can easily add coziness and charm to any traditional room, or a modern and warm update using more minimalist design. You can also add more décor choices to a fireplace, using ornaments and accessories, to really make your feature wall pop — as well as it being fun to decorate for the changing seasons and holidays.

Suppliers like Stonewoods offer a variety of fireplaces suited for any home style.

Try to Avoid Too Many Accessories with Patterned Wallpaper

If you’re using a bold wallpaper with an eye-catching design, then you want this to be the main focus. You should avoid overcrowding your wall with mounted accessories like frames and mirrors, so that your wallpaper can remain the full effect, and not covered up by other items.

You can place mounted accessories on other walls of the room instead.

Use Lighting

You want your feature wall to still stand out, even during the evening, so adequate lighting is essential. If your feature wall is placed behind the TV, use backlighting and lamps to light up the space. You could use wall-mounted lighting, too, if they don’t detract too much from the feature wall’s color and design.

You could also install floor-standing lamps which adjustable heads, so you can place these around the room but have them pointed more considerably towards your feature wall.

Most importantly: have fun!


5 Ways You Can Give Your Backyard an Instant Upgrade

If you have a large family or you like to entertain, chances are your backyard is seeing a lot of action. Perhaps you want to get the most out of it and are thinking of making some modifications which is a great idea, and making just a few additions or adjustments could give it a second life. There are some projects, however, that could end up being an absolute pain to complete, or costing you in the long run. Here are a few simple ways that you can give your backyard an instant upgrade.

Add a Porch or a Deck

Having a deck built is one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve any outdoor living space. Not only will it make it more functional, but everyone loves a good deck. This means that you’ll be able to impress buyers if you ever decide to sell the house and be able to increase its value with a modest investment.

Having a porch is also a great way to improve your house’s curb appeal and functionality. If you want something that you’ll be able to use in bad weather or will give you additional protection from insects, you can go with a screened porch. A regular porch, however, is still a great addition if you want some extra sitting space.

Create a Nice Kitchen Space

Outdoor kitchens are also a big winner with buyers and a great option if you love to entertain. You don’t have to go all out, however. You can create a great BBQ island out of wood, though some might want to go with something more luxurious like brick. That’s also something you can do yourself if you have the skills. Just making this addition could take your backyard to the next level.

Add an Outside Living Room

If you’re going to build a kitchen, why not add a living room while you’re at it? Create an inviting space with comfy sofas and chairs. You could decide to have it covered or uncovered. A nice outside fireplace could also be a great addition.

Add Privacy

No matter how great your backyard is, you won’t be able to enjoy it if you constantly have neighbors peeking in. Some may want to add some vinyl fencing for more privacy. Greenery can also be used. Another thing you could do to add privacy to your patio is to install noise colorful rugs between the posts.

Be Creative

A nice thing about outdoor spaces is that you get to be more creative and experimental. This is also a great place to use reclaimed wood. You could easily turn reclaimed lumber into a nice bench, for example. Also, try to find if you can ask people around you for materials they aren’t using. Something like unused flagstones and pavers would be great. Sit them on top of a pit and you now have an impromptu tabletop. Just little touches like this can make the space more convivial and give it a unique feel.


Upgrading a backyard doesn’t have to cost a fortune and can be made with a few simple changes. Make sure that you follow these tips and always look for new ideas to elevate your space.

4 Biggest Causes For Hunting Accidents and Injuries

Regardless of how much experience you have in hunting, accidents can happen to anyone. It’s critical that you always take safety seriously any time that you’re using a firearm so that you don’t risk becoming overconfident. It’s easy to start slipping on how cautious you are if you fail to be as careful as possible.

Keep you and your loved ones safe while enjoying the sport that you love, by watching out for some of the most common reasons for hunting accidents and injuries.

Failing To Be Familiar With Firearm

It’s important that you know all of the correct ways to handle your firearm in order to stay as safe as you can. You should know the proper way to hold it, handle the recoil, and of course, how to load it safely.

It’s important that you take time to get to know your weapon before you take it out to use it. Failing to get to know how to handle your firearm before taking it on a hunting trip with you could be a disaster.


In most cases, hunting accidents occur as a result of pure and simple carelessness. People start to lose sight of the basics of gun safety and make mistakes that could have been easily avoided. Always handle a gun bearing in mind the most important basics of gun safety.

Get to know them by heart, and have a strong awareness of any risks going on around you. As a result, you should avoid a multitude of situations that happen as a result of pure and simple carelessness.

Not Carrying A Phone

It’s important that you have a phone on hand to call emergency services if anything goes wrong during your hunting trip. In the event that you do get hurt or put in danger, it’s important that you not only have a phone but that it has served.

It’s important to check with your cell phone carrier whether the particular area you’re planning on going will have enough of a signal to make a call if anything should happen. Above all, make sure that your phone is in your pocket rather than in your gear bag. If you should fall, you want to make sure that your phone is on your body, not several feet away from where you can’t get to it.

Not Wearing Bright Orange

It’s awful to imagine that you could get hurt by one of your fellow hunters out there, however it happens more often than you might like to think. When other hunters are present, it’s important that you stand out to them by wearing bright orange.

Orange is the best way to signal to other people out there that you’re a hunter and not an animal. To read more on topics like this, check out the blog category.


Why Your Car Needs to be Serviced on a Regular Basis

When was the last time you took your car to be serviced by a professional? If you’re keeping up with the regular servicing that a car really needs, that’s great news, but if you aren’t so spot on with your servicing, and you only take your car to a garage when there is something wrong with it, or when the service light starts to annoy you too much, you could be making a lot more trouble for yourself than you need to.

There are many responsibilities that come with owning a car, and having it serviced at regular intervals is one of them. So if your car is overdue or you were thinking of skipping the next service because it all seems fine to drive, read on; you might change your mind.

The Warranty is Maintained

One of the most important reasons for taking your car to be serviced when that service is due is the warranty. If you have bought a car that has a warranty attached, one of the requirements to keep that warranty valid will be regular maintenance of the vehicle. As long as you keep the car tuned up in line with the manufacturer’s guidelines, if something goes wrong in between services, the warranty should cover it. If you haven’t kept up with the checks and something goes wrong, the warranty might be voided and you could have to pay out a lot of money to get the car fixed, even if it isn’t your fault.

It Keeps You Safe

When you are able to have your car tuned up when it is meant to be, it will keep you much safer than if you leave the task undone and hope for the best. Breaking down on a freeway is a frightening thing to do, as is finding your engine has died on an unlit country road. In fact, losing power in your vehicle is frightening, frustrating, and infuriating no matter where or when it happens, causing you potential danger, and certainly making your day much more inconvenient.

Keeping your car maintained means that a situation like this is much more unlikely to happen, and you can get to and from your destination without any problems. Of course, breakdowns may still occur, they are just going to be much less frequent. If you do have an engine failure, you should make sure you step away from the vehicle and use LED light bars to ensure you are noticed while you wait for recovery.

It Protects the Car’s Value

When you are searching for a used car, what were the most important elements you want to read in the ad? You might have been interested in how many owners or how many miles, but what really would have been useful to know is that the vehicle has a full service history. This ‘full service history’ means that the car was serviced when it was meant to be, and the service book is stamped to prove it. Therefore, you know you are buying a car that has been well looked after, and is more likely to be reliable as a result.

So when you come to sell your car, you should be offering a full service history too. Not only will it make it easier to sell, but you should be able to ask for more money for it than you would if there was no service history. Getting the vehicle seen by a mechanic means protecting its value, and that’s clearly going to be important.

Eyeglasses Fort Myers – Dealing With Worsening Eyesight

When it comes to great looking designer eyeglasses Fort Meyers is full of great shops with some really high quality frames. None of this however was enough to make me feel better about my worsening eyesight two years ago when I had just found out that I was going to need glasses. Many of us like to think that we are going to live forever and that our bodies won’t fail us, sadly however that just isn’t the case and things will and do go wrong as we get older. Learning that you need glasses isn’t the greatest news which you can receive and I did feel pretty glum for a few days afterwards. Eventually however I perked up and here is why.

Worse News

I had to really put this into perspective to be honest, nobody had told me that I had a terminal illness or that I wasn’t going to be able to walk again, nothing of the sort, the only thing that I was told is that I had to use some glasses in order to be able to see better, that was it.


Wearing glasses is not an odd thing and it isn’t as if you are going to stand out when you are wearing glasses, because there are so many people out there who are also wearing glasses. The truth is that after a few days of wearing them, everything is fine and you don’t even recognize the difference, nor will your family and friends.

We Age

It is a sad fact of life but ultimately we age, and as we age things begin to fail or get worn out, and that is just part of the aging process. Some people have had to wear glasses sine they were a child, for you this is just a result of the life and that is something which you can’t blame anyone for and you certainly can’t get mad about, this is just how things are.


Ultimately worsening eyesight is something which can cause a lot of additional problems which you do not want in your life and having glasses or contacts is a great way to ensure that you are don’t suffer from any of those issues. Some people end up with terrible headaches or other problems as a result of bad eyesight, so the moment you notice it, you should seek out some solutions before it becomes a bigger problem.

Ultimately it is not nice to recognize that a part of your body is not working like it used but this is something which comes to everyone and it is just your turn. You will be likely to spend a couple of days feeling a bit down about this realization but you have to just consider that things could most definitely be worse and there are other parts of your body which if they fail, will certainly cause you more consternation.


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