Be An Exciting Boss And Use Customised Stationery
There are a lot of ways for you to surprise your employees as their boss. One of the best ways to make it a reality is by using personalised correspondence cards. They won’t expect you to use this type of paper. In most instances, they only hope you send them an email. You don’t even use the best tone when sending the email. You are either in a hurry or seem to scream at them because of a problem.
However, if you start using personalised paper, you can make your letters personal. You can also send the message directly to the employee. Receiving a letter still feels different from receiving an email. The approach is more personal as opposed to an email which is only professional.
Besides, you want them to feel like you want a friendly conversation. There are different ways in which you can use personalised paper to look cool as a boss.
Express gratitude
There are many ways for you to express your appreciation for employees who did a great job. You can treat them to a nice dinner. You can give them a salary increase. Nothing beats a personal congratulatory note though. The letter is something that they will remember forever. They will feel like you thought that they did a fantastic job. It will motivate them to do better in the future.
Say sorry
There are also instances when you can’t control your emotions because of the situation. You end up shouting at someone even if you did not intend to. If you want to apologise personally apologise, but if you don’t think the other party is prepared to accept your apology, you can start by writing a personalised card. The person will start feeling relaxed because of it, and you can soon have a more intimate conversation to hash things out.
Make appointments
There are other situations in which you have no time to announce a meeting. You also don’t want to make instant announcements in front of everybody especially if only a few people are there. The best method of doing it is by leaving a note on the desk of the employees attending the meeting. Write the time and location of the meeting so they will know where to go.
When you start using personalised paper to communicate with your employees, they will start feeling great about you. They will no longer think of you as someone who is separate from them. They will look at you as their colleague or even friend. You communicate on a personal level, so they will also respond personally. Even if you have disagreements professionally, you can settle things because of this particular interaction.
Besides, gone are the days when bosses thought too highly of themselves and were not interacting with employees. Time and again, this strategy does not work. Modern leaders make an effort to be closer to their employees and create a special bond to motivate them.