3 Businesses That Would Benefit From Weather Software and How Earth Networks Can Help
Deteriorating meteorological conditions can put people at risk, which is why businesses that operate outside need to pay special attention to forecasts. If you’re wondering about the potential business benefits from weather software, turn to the team of meteorologists at Earth Networks. Here are three industries that could use this service.
Hospitality Companies
Hotels, bars, and restaurants are in the business of serving people, which means they need to cater to the needs of their customers. If an eatery has an outdoor patio, managers can use advanced knowledge of incoming storms to avoid seating people outside. A hotel could use similar information to deploy resources such as lender umbrellas and extra doormats before the first drops hit the ground.
Sports Franchises
Stadiums bring thousands of fans together to cheer on a team, but they also pose a risk during severe weather. While playing fields provide no cover for athletes, grandstands put spectators in an open and elevated position, which are both undesirable circumstances during storms. Franchise officials can use Earth Networks lightning software to spot discharges in the area and evacuate people to safety until the threat passes.
As a new skyscraper or other building sprouts out of empty landscape, construction workers can quickly find themselves in a dangerous situation if weather conditions deteriorate. If a contractor uses software to track precipitation and lightning real time, he or she can take personnel out of harm’s way and keep the work going by reassigning employees to safer indoor projects.
Let Earth Networks Help
If you’re involved with a business in any industry that regularly puts people outside, contact Earth Networks to learn how tracking software can help. With proprietary sensors that track in-cloud lightning, you’ll be able to get warnings with enough time to evacuate everybody to safety. Forecasts can give you a good idea about what to expect, but trackers allow you to get the most out of every day by keeping operations going until real threats exist.