3 Steps For The Perfect First Date

There are many important moments of a relationship that you no doubt seek to experience in your life. Getting engaged, getting married and having kids are key aspects that can change your life forever. These things are usually what you picture when you imagine your future, and it’s a lovely image. Wind back a few years though, as you need to meet that special someone first, and survive the first date, which can be awkward if not handled with care. So, just what is the trick to getting through the initial throes of a relationship and out the other side with success?

A good place to start would be to not go crazy. If you’ve experienced a failed relationship, a lesson to take from this is not to rush. After all, you wouldn’t go walking down the street, asking everyone you see if they want to go out with you. Before you even go looking for love, take a moment and think what’s important to you, and what qualities you want your future partner to have. You never know, once you enter the dating circle, someone could share the same interests as you, or match the desired characteristics you’ve been searching for.

To reiterate, it’s unlikely that the first person you bump into at the supermarket or at the gym will be the one. Unless you are extremely lucky, life doesn’t tend to play out like the movies, as nice as it is to think that you could glance up and lock eyes with an attractive stranger, while in the most uninteresting of places. So, how do you in fact start to meet people? This is, of course, step one in the quest for the perfect first date, because for the first date to be a hit, you need it to be with someone who is right for you.

Step 1: Meeting your Date

To find the one, it’s important not to be shy. You need to put yourself out there and not be afraid. If you have a group of single friends, then why not help each other to meet people? The stereotypical scene of falling into conversation with the person next to you at the bar may seem romantic, but it’s not much fun to go to a bar or a nightclub on your own and can be uncomfortable. Even one friend joining you on an evening out can make all the difference, as you can support each other and help to introduce yourselves to likeminded singletons. The problem with this, is that there is no guarantee that you’ll meet your date, and it’s not practical to go out every night, especially with work the next morning. Online dating is proving popular to get around this slight issue. Once your profile is up, there’s a continual chance that someone will be your match, as people are signing on to online dating everyday on sites such as Badoo. What’s more, you can message each other before the face-to-face introduction, so it doesn’t have to feel as sudden or nerve-wracking as a night out.

Step 2: Planning the Date

Ok, so you’re starting to get on well with somebody. The next stage is to suggest a date. As it’s the first time you’ll be spending a decent amount of time with this person, keeping things as relaxed as possible is important. Starting off with a full-on dinner is daunting, so why not suggest something low-key and casual, just for a couple of hours during the day? Getting coffee and going for a stroll in the sunshine still speaks romance, but on a more chilled level, which takes the pressure off. If you have already got to know your date, perhaps if you were friends first or have been talking online, an evening meal might be the ideal way to move the flourishing relationship to the next level. Alternatively, if you’ve already discovered some things you have in common, why not just be creative and come up with a different first date? Whatever it is you decide to do for the first date, make sure that you are both happy with that choice and feel relaxed with each other’s company.

Step 3: The Date

Right, the time has come. The date itself. It’s widely accepted that you’ll want to look nice. Nevertheless, dress for the occasion. For all the women out there, heels might not fare well on a walk through the park. At the end of the day though, personality is the key, not looks, so if you aren’t sure what to wear, don’t worry about it, as if your date really is right for you, outside appearance shouldn’t be the only reason why they’re dating you.

Greetings are hard to navigate, a handshake is too formal and impersonal, but a kiss on the lips is not appropriate yet. You need to read the other person’s body language. A hug, or kiss on the cheek, is normally a good way to go, as it’s personal, but not super intimate straight away.

The first date gives you real opportunity to get to know each other. You can find out about the other’s life so far and their likes and dislikes. Don’t be put off if there are a few awkward silences, this is bound to happen at some point. All you need to do in this situation is start a new topic of conversation. It’s as simple as that.

At the end of your successful date, a hug is again most likely. Who knows though, after a perfect first date, you might both feel the strong connection and share a kiss. With regards to a second date, make sure to exchange contact details, and suggest there and then ideas for the next one. Now you’ve had the chance to get to know someone better, this will open new date opportunities.

By following these steps, there doesn’t need to be anymore worrying about how to handle the first date. As long as you’re being yourself and feel relaxed, there’s no reason to say you’ve not just begun the relationship that will last the rest of your life.


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