3 Tips For Staying In Touch With Loved Ones You Don’t See Often

If you have loved ones that live far away from you or that you’re not able to see often, whether it’s because they live in an assisted living facility or just due to the miles between you, modern technology has made it so that staying in touch is easier than ever. But even with modern technology, many people struggle to know how to best stay in touch and how to make it so that relationships can stand the test of this distance.

To help you in figuring all of this out, here are three tips for staying in touch with loved ones you don’t see often.

Schedule Phone Or Video Communication

When you’re not physically close to the people you love, you can still remain emotionally close to them through phone calls and video chats. However, if you live in different time zones or in different countries, you’re going to have to put a bit more work in to make sure that you’re communicating at convenient times for each of you.

To do this, you should try to pick a time of day or a day of the week when you can schedule in phone calls or video chats. By doing this, you’ll reliably be able to reach out to your loved one and know that you’re not going to be catching them at a bad time or vice versa.

Reach Out Whenever You Think About Them

In addition to the scheduled calls and video chats that you might have on your calendar, there are likely going to be times throughout your days where you want to reach out or share something with your loved one. When this happens, you should feel free to communicate with them, regardless of what time it might be or what you or they may be doing.

By reaching out when something reminds you of them, you think about them, or you feel like you’re missing them in a particular moment, you will be showing your loved one that you think of them and care about them even when you’re actively in the middle of communicating. This can usually best be done though a chat or messaging service so that they can read and respond when they have time available.

Make Plans to See Each Other In The Future

Along with getting in touch with one another through the use of technology, something that can be very helpful to long distance friendships or relationships can be to have plans to see each other in the future. Even if the date isn’t quite set in stone, knowing that you plan to come visit them in the next six months or that they will be coming to see you next year sometime can give you both something to look forward to and plan for, which is great for maintaining relationships.

If you’re wanting to be better about staying in touch with your loved ones that you don’t see in person often, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this.



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