5 Easy Home Décor Ideas

After living in your house for a few years, it loses that “new” smell and starts to look worn-out and forgotten. Redecorating every-so-often is important to maintain that level of newness in a home, since it can breathe new life into those older spaces and make them look and feel as good as new. Following are 5 easy home décor ideas to give you some inspiration for redecorating your house.

1. In the kitchen

Put an end to counter confusion in your kitchen. Using decals or paint, create labels on some pretty clear glass containers, then fill them with sugar, tea, coffee, salt and other items that you tend to use often during the day. You will be able to see at a glance what you need to use at any given moment and your countertops will stay uncluttered and tidy. You can always at a later stage, change the wording on the containers if you want to.

2. The entrance hall

Entrance halls are often overlooked when it’s time to redecorate a home. One of the easiest home décor ideas you can use to make your entrance a talking point for anyone visiting your home, is to showcase your collectibles opposite your front door. Paint a set of shelves or a bookcase in the color of your choice and use it to display a collection of your small antique items. This is an easy, yet extremely effective way to show off some of your prized possessions and brighten your otherwise plain entrance hall.

3. At the dining table

When serving tea to guests at your dining table, use a tray that is very different to any they’ve seen before, especially if you are a lover of all things retro. Collect sufficient bottle caps to cover the bottom of a deep tray and paint them in various autumn colors. Glue the caps side-by-side onto the bottom of the tray and once they are dry, pour some self-levelling acrylic water over them, enough to cover the bottle caps. Leave to stand undisturbed for at least 48 hours before using the tray to serve refreshments to your guests.

4. Use bottles to change the look of a room in seconds!

By simply standing several different colored glasses, vases or bottles on bookshelves or windowsills, you will have created an eye-catching area in any room in your home. This is especially so when they are displayed on sunny windowsills. You can also completely change the look of your home at Christmas time, by filling glass jugs with small Christmas lights. Apart from making attractive, festive-looking table lamps, they also make beautiful centerpieces on your dining table where you will be enjoying your Christmas feast.

5. In the children’s room

Changing the décor in your child’s room can be a lot of fun, while at the same time, recycling his/her baby crib. Remove one side of the crib and using spare wood, build a frame above the crib to make it look like a house. Painted in bright and cheerful colors, what once before was a baby crib, will now become a bed that your toddler will simply love. As a bonus, your toddler can use the bed as a playhouse during the day.

These 5 easy home décor ideas will not only give you the inspiration you need to change those parts of your home that need redecorating, but will trigger other ideas of your own too, to make your house what it should be – an attractive, comfortable home for you and your family.


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