Arden Anderson – Things All Americans Should Feel an Obligation to Do
America is the greatest country in the world end is a shining Beacon for others all around the world. The country is made great by Americans who have any unique look at life end who support the meaning of America. The aspiration of just about every person on the planet is to be an American 1 day and participate in the American dream. This is an overwhelming motivation for many and for the fuel get the chance to become an American, they appreciate why the country is so great and why it is so important to maintain America’s standing in the world.
But what obligations do all Americans like Arden Andersen have to America? What do we owe the country? This question can stir much debate but it is an important one to ask because in understanding it, we focus our energies on things that make the Country Strong. Here are a few of the many things that Americans should feel obligated to do in order to support the strength of the country.
Volunteering has been a part of American culture for more than 100 years. During particular times of strife, for example Wars or natural disasters Americans are known for banding together and giving of the time and other resources to help their fellow Americans. Lately, the percentage of Americans volunteering has dropped from 29%, 20 years ago, to 25% today.
The drop in the amount of people volunteering has to do with the baby boomer generation aging and being less able to volunteer, the current generation of working-class Americans being too busy to volunteer, and the youth not valuing volunteering as much as you from the past. As a result many communities, nonprofits, and schools are finding it difficult to make ends meet.
Part of the challenges that volunteering these days is too often looked at as something where you give and get nothing back. This is not an accurate description of what happens when you volunteer. When you volunteer, you get a wealth of benefits in return.
In addition to helping those who are in dire need, you also get a chance to make new friends, you get to contribute in your community or two local schools, And you get to see your direct efforts make a difference. For these reasons volunteering provides as much or more than it asks. We should all make volunteering a part of our lives.
Pay Taxes
There’s a constant discussion about paying taxes in America. Everyone hates having to pay taxes, but everyone agrees that without paying them or quality of life with change significantly. In other words, taxes are necessary evil. I would actually say the taxes are necessary good. Taxes fund many of the amenities that we enjoy on a daily basis in the United States. Taxes pay for the roads, the police and fire departments, or schools, or government services, and the roads and bridges that we use to get to work or school.
Although it is true, that the federal government and many state governments mismanage tax money and they certainly need to have oversight to make sure that the money is being spent properly, but there is no doubt that tax money keeps the country going. For this reason we should grudgingly pay our taxes and not utilize some of the many ways that some individuals have found to exploit loopholes in our tax code.