How to Choose the Best Dog Food for Your Dog

As a dog owner you love your dog and you want the absolute bets for them. Just as you choose good healthy food for yourself, it’s important to buy the best dog food for your precious pet to ensure they are healthy and happy. So, what type of things do you need to look out for to ensure you are giving them the best dog food?

Indicators Your Dog Has the Best Dog Food

You will know when your dog is happy with their food because they will look forward to eating it. As soon as you open the cupboard or fridge to get out the pack of food they will be keenly watching your pestering you to serve it up, and then as soon as you do they will try and eat it as fast as possible.

But your dog been happy with its food isn’t the best indicator of whether it is the best food for them, just as with children and most adults, we are happier eating junk food that healthy food! Just as with humans it’s our health and physiological response to our food that gives the best indicator of whether it is good for us or not.

It may surprise you that most dogs are allergic to or intolerant toward one or more of the main ingredients in regular dog food. The main culprits are chicken, potatoes, wheat gluten, corn and soy. If you check the ingredients list of your dog’s food you will probably find at least two of these ingredients, and you will also see a list of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives.

You will know your dog is allergic or intolerant to their food of they have skin conditions, digestive problems and overall poor health and energy levels. Just by switching to a hypoallergenic dog food you could see a massive improvement in their health.

Mix of Components in Their Food

The next factor to consider is how your dog’s food is made up. We all know dogs are carnivores. We’re omnivore’s, we’re designed to be able to eat either meat or vegetation, or a combination of both. Dog’s on the other hand could live off just meat, look at their teeth, they’re designed for tearing meat. So why then do most dog foods have a higher percentage of carbohydrates and vegetables in them than meat. Two reasons really, the meat in the recipe doesn’t have the vitamins and iron required to keep your dog healthy because it is farmed poor quality meat. The second reason is carbohydrates are much cheaper than even poor-quality meat. So, if you don’t won’t to pay much for your dog food then that’s what they’ll eat.

The result of that is digestive problems, dogs struggle to digest grains and other carbohydrates. They also put on weight, often becoming obese when on a high carbohydrate diet because their appetite isn’t suppressed for as long. So, switch to a dog food high in protein instead.



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