How to utilize your phone while traveling

There’s nothing quite as exciting as sitting in the airport all ready to jet off on your travels, provided, of course, that your flight hasn’t been delayed. However, even if it has, there is still plenty that you can do before take-off, and when you’ve finished browsing the shops airside and had a little more to eat or drink, it’s time to bring out your trusty smartphone.

Traveling can be a tedious and long experience, especially if you are traveling long distance and if it is a first time trip. Traveling is not all about lounging around on the beach, exploring restaurants, or heading out for sightseeing trips. Quite a lot of it involves standing or sitting for long periods of time, and there is often not a lot that you can do in terms of entertainment. That’s why your smartphone is probably the handiest gizmo that you could have on call – there is so much that you can do with it.

There’s no need to be bored when those travel delays occur. If you’re well prepared before you go, you’ll have plenty of fun and games on tap. Even if you can’t always tap into Wi-Fi – and that’s becoming less and less common as the world continues to expand its networks and connectivity – as long as you have a good data package that won’t cost a fortune, you can use your phone for practically anything, anywhere.

Gaming while traveling

Make sure that you have your favorite games available, and it’s always worth looking for a couple of new ones to download before you go. If you’re experienced at multiplayer role-playing games and you can access Wi-Fi, then any long delays can give you the opportunity to take some time in your virtual-reality world and move your character on to new challenges.

If you don’t have any kind of signal, there are plenty of games that don’t need a connection, so you can challenge yourself to improve the speed with which you complete a range of solitaire games or other fun distractions when you’re on the move or just waiting around.

Sports betting can be another fun way to pass the time, and you can easily keep up with your favorite teams or just place a wager on a game when you see what odds you’re being offered. And, of course, you have the opportunity to win some money at the same time – handy for helping to fund your traveling!

Movies and music on the move

Choose a couple or more movies that you haven’t seen and download them so that even if you’re unable to stream anything, you’ve got a few hours of entertainment available. You could also add a couple that you’ve seen before but would like to catch again – make sure that you have some good earphones.

Music is a firm favorite for travelers, and you could make a playlist of music that you know and tracks that you haven’t heard before but would like to try out. Again, things might sometimes depend on your wireless connectivity, but where you do have it, you can access music streaming sites as well as sites for movies, especially if you have a subscription. It makes things a lot easier, and if you’re having to wait around at an airport or a rail or bus station, it can be a great way to pass some time.

Open your eyes

Your phone will have a camera, and if you’ve got a really good one, use it to make a record of your journey. It’s often the sights and sounds of being with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people from another country that can really make a traveling experience. Keep a look out of the windows of trains, coaches, or taxis, and snap away at anything that seems interesting or different, especially if you are voyaging through the countryside.

Don’t worry too much about storage. Go through your photos, delete anything that you don’t think works or is useful, and put what’s left into the cloud, freeing up space for your next experiences.

Read a book

Put a few books onto your device so that you have access to some good novels – this should certainly help pass the time. Maybe go for a writer who you haven’t tried before. You never know, you might surprise yourself!

The epitome of versatility

Utilizing your phone when you’re traveling gives you access to so many things that you can do to stave off boredom. Play games, listen to music, read, or even make a few calls. You’ll never be short of something to do.


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