Learn To Exercise the Right Way
It’s never too late to start working out and taking care of your body. The right day to do that is always today, not tomorrow. But when you start exercising, be sure to do it the right way as well. What is the right way is of course already another question.
Work-out gear
Obviously your choice of exercise influences what kind of work-out gear you should be using. And, based on experience, it also depends on who you are, how your body is, and so on. There’s no one solution for everyone. But I think everyone agrees that your work-out gear should be comfortable. Before, during, and after the work-out. When I started going running in regular joggers, I realized pretty fast that these don’t work for me for multiple different reasons. They were itchy, they made my inner legs itchy, they were simply uncomfortable. That’s when I started thinking that all the times I had looked weird at people running in tights, they might have been on to something. Running in tights is good, it’s comfortable. Yes, if you wanted to, you could have something else on top of them as well, but sports tights are the best for running.
And if you have decided to take up running as I did, you’ll also want to spend some money on proper running shoes. Again, the most important aspect here is that they need to be comfortable. And often in case of running shoes, the more expensive ones might be better ones. Although, the best idea is to buy them at a discount when the new versions are becoming available. Then the shops usually make huge discounts of last season’s shoes and…well, why would I care that they are from last season, I’m not running to make a fashion statement. Of course, to buy all your gear, you do need to spend some money, initially it might make you consider buying USA Mega Millions just to finance your work-outs, but actually it’s not so bad at all, you just need to look around to find the stuff as cheaply a possible.
How fast should you advance
Again, it obviously depends on which sport you have started doing, but if we talk about running, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, if your knees start to hurt, stop. I once kept running, knowing that it hurt, and …I don’t really know what the problem was, never visited the doctor, but I couldn’t run for two months after that. Most likely I had simply put too much pressure on my knees too soon.
In general they say that you shouldn’t increase the time or distance of your run for more than 10% in a week. And that’s with the assumption that you go running multiple times a week. So week one, 1km, week two, 1.1 km, or something like that. That’s the theory. Although once you feel comfortable running, I know you’ll be unable to stick to those limits! So just be careful not to hurt yourself. And do yourself to keep yourself motivated.