What is Green Investing?
What is the primary difference between traditional investments and green investments? Gregory Lindae will tell you the term green investing refers to investments which are involved in trying to improve the environment. If you’re interested in the opportunity to invest in a green company, simply continue reading to discover everything you need to know about green investing.
What is green investing? : Everything you need to know about green investing
1. Green stocks
Examples of green stocks which are offered by businesses who invest a large amount of money in research and development of green technology include Tesla, which was founded by Billionare Elon Musk and focuses on developing and manufacturing self-driven electric cars and General Electric. The latter of which has developed powerful, efficient, wind-powered electric generators.
Once you’ve found a business which focuses on developing green technology, which is listed on the stock market, you’ll be able to purchase individual stocks in your chosen company, the traditional way.
2. Opt to invest in ETF funds
The acronym ETF refers to exchange-traded funds. If you’re more comfortable choosing to diversify your investment portfolio, you may prefer to invest in ETF funds each of which is comprised of shares in a wide variety of green companies. That way, if one of the companies which is included in your chosen ETF fund crashes, you won’t lose all of the money which you invested in your ETF fund.
Choosing to invest in an ETF fund is also a wise idea if you’re interested in learning more information about a wide variety of green companies. As an example, you may discover that one of the companies which is present in your chosen ETF fund makes a reliable profit, each month and that it may be worth purchasing separate stocks in this company.
3. Examples of ETF funds
One popular ETF fund is the Pathfinder Global Responsibility Fund which is made up of 250 socially responsible green businesses, all of which boast high environmental, social and governance scores. So if you’re interested in investing in a socially responsible, green company, you may be interested in purchasing shares in the Pathfinder Global Responsibility Fund.
Another ETF fund which you may be interested in investing in is the Pathfinder Global Water Fund, which is comprised of between 50-100 companies which specialize in water treatment. Examples of some of the tasks taken on by companies which are present in the Pathfinder Global Water Fund include water treatment, the production of water pipes and pumps and specialist engineering.
If you’re interested in ensuring that the world has a never-ending supply of clean, safe water it’s well worth investing in the Pathfinder Global Water Fund. As a bonus, this particular fund does not feature any water companies who use plastic to package their water. As the production of plastic goods has an adverse effect on the environment.
If you’re sold on the idea of investing your savings into socially responsible, green companies, it’s well worth following the advice listed above in order to purchase your first shares in a green company.