10 Tips For Childproofing Your Home
When little people are in the home, it is always wise to be aware of your surroundings. There are so many hidden dangers that you can’t possibly think of all of them, can you? Actually, it isn’t hard now that we have the internet, and if you are soon to be a mum, here are some really great ideas gathered from around the Web.
1. Install Anti-Scald Devices on Taps and Showerheads
Toddlers soon learn how to twist handles and knobs, and this can present a real danger if you don’t keep the water heater set low enough so as not to be scalding. However, if you set it too low, you can’t adequately wash and rinse dishes. Why not install anti-scald devices on all taps and showerheads? Now you can have hot water and scalding precautions.
2. Keep All Medications out of Reach or Locked
If you don’t have a cupboard or cabinet high enough where baby can’t reach, at least invest in a lock box so that your precious little one can’t accidentally get into those dangerous medicines. Many are quite colourful and can easily be mistaken for candy. Keep them locked away at all times.
3. Replace Floor Radiators with Wall Mounted Varieties
Many older homes have floor mounted radiators. Since they are meant to heat the room, radiators can be quite hot. Instead, look at your options in a wall mounted Reina radiator that will serve well to keep your little one from getting burned.
4. Observe Safe Cooking Habits
If at all possible, use baby gates to keep children out of kitchens whilst cooking. However, in today’s open-space home designs, that isn’t always realistic. Observe safe cooking habits such as keeping all foods on unreachable back burners and keep handles on pots turned back and away from the front where they can’t be reached.
5. Install Toilet Seat and Cover Locks
Toddlers are fascinated by water. Always keep your toilet seat and cover locked down with latches easily purchased online to avoid accidental drowning and to keep those little fingers clean from contaminants.
6. Never Use Bumpers and Pillows in Baby’s Crib
While cute and cosy looking, those crib bumpers and pillows have been known to suffocate babies when they roll over. Too little to understand how to roll back, they suffocate.
7. Baby Monitors Are a Must
Video monitors are arguably the best, but if you can’t afford them, audio monitors at least enable you to hear what is going on in your baby’s room. If they are crying or struggling to catch their breath, you can quickly get there in time to react.
8. Re-think Plastic Outlet Plugs
While those plastic outlet plugs can keep baby from getting electrocuted, they are small enough to be a choking hazard. Instead, consider buying sliding covers available at any home improvement store, or learn other ways to baby-proof sockets in the home.
9. Install Cabinet and Drawer Latches
No matter what you have in cupboards and cabinets, something is bound to be a danger to toddlers. Install those baby latches to keep little ones from getting to chemicals, knives, and anything which can harm them.
10. Cushion All Sharp Edges on Furniture
When learning to crawl, walk and run, the one thing you can be sure of is that all little people are clumsy in each of these stages of development. Protect them from sharp edges on furniture, especially coffee tables, by adding cushioning or bumpers. These can be found online or in baby shops if you prefer.
There you have 10 easy-to-use childproofing tips, that will help ensure safety of your child as you spend quality time together and in every day life. Now it’s your turn to Google some more!