3 Tips To Help You Save Money At The Gas Pump
Although many people and countries are trying to move away from using fossil fuels, the majority of people who own their own vehicles still use gas as their main source of fuel. And while many of those people would like another option, because biogas and its byproducts are so prevalent to consumers, this resource dominates the market.
But just because you’re needing to get gas to fuel your car doesn’t mean that you should have to pay more than is necessary for this resource. So to help ensure that you’re able to save as much money and as much fuel as possible, here are three tips to help you save money at the gas pump.
Consider How You Pay For Gas
One reason you might be paying more for gas each time you stop as a gas pump could be that you’re paying for your gas in the wrong way.
According to Anthony Giorgianni, a contributor to Consumer Reports, paying for gas with just a normal debit or credit card might be the worst way to pay for gas. Because many gas stations offer discounts on price if you use cash, stopping by an ATM on your way to fill up could save you at the pump. Additionally, if you fuel up using a credit card that gives you reward dollars or points for every purchase you make at a gas station, you could wind up saving in this way as well.
Make Your Car More Fuel Efficient
To reduce how often you’re having to visit the gas pump in the first place, it can be very helpful to do everything in your power to make your car more fuel-efficient.
To help you with this, Steve Gillman and Nicole Dow, contributors to The Penny Hoarder, recommend that you do things like keep your tires properly inflated, remove excess weight from your vehicle, and purchase the most fuel-efficient car for your needs. By doing these things, you can get more gas mileage for every gallon you put into your car in the first place, saving you from having to get gas as often.
Don’t Get Premium Unless You Have To
According to Melissa Neiman, a contributor to Money Talks News, so many people waste money on gas expenses by buying the wrong type of fuel for their cars.
While you might think that choosing premium gas for your vehicle would be an improvement, this type of gas isn’t required nor recommended for use in most cars. So unless the owner’s manual of your car explicitly states that this is the type of fuel you should be using, save your money by using regular unleaded instead.
To help you save money and fuel, consider using the tips mentioned above to spend less at the gas pump.