Are You Having Your Website Redesigned? Here’s What the Experts Have to Say

No matter what your reason is for having your website redesigned, whether your website is outdated and old, your website does not give the right impression, your website has not been able to convert any leads or sales, or your website isn’t user-friendly and not easily navigable, it’s important to think carefully before having it overhauled. But if you have plans to have your website redesigned, it’s essential to do it right. Here’s what the experts have to say.

The benefits

There are various benefits which a website redesign can give you. With a new and fresher website design, you can give a stronger impression of your business. A website redesign allows you to keep up-to-date with the times, especially when it comes to being more mobile-friendly. Your website, when redesigned, can also become more functional, with tools for marketing and promotion such as reviews and forums, contact and call to action forms and buttons, and integration with social media networks. By having a more functional website, you can also make it easier for customers to find exactly what they are looking for.

What to consider

  • Consider your regulars

Experts in website design state, however, that there are important elements (read more about these at to consider when having your website redesigned. One of these is the fact that your regular visitors will see a new site – and it may take them some time to get used to your site’s new look and feel. What you can do, though, is consider your users’ or visitors’ experience when having your website redesigned – what are the actions they usually take? What information would they require? Once you have determined this, make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for in just three clicks – or even less.

  • Think about your URLs

When you have your website redesigned, your website URLs may change as well, and this may have an effect on your SEO. But you can address this by having an expert in SEO inform various search engines about the URL change, and decrease the effect of your loss of traffic and ranking by making sure that your pages with the highest performance are preserved. Search engines can also have an easier time finding your newly-designed web pages if you submit a site map to them.

  • Consider the best developer

It’s also important to make website redesigns a regular part of your business growth. Maintaining your website should be one of your priorities, and giving it a revamp (however slight) every 2 to 5 years can make a difference. And, to keep your expenses down, try to maintain a good relationship with a good website developer who can understand your vision and goals and who has the necessary skills to address them. By doing so, you will keep business consistent, up-to date, and overall you will be happy and successful in your business.



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