How Student Housing of the Future Will Look – Nelson Partners
Student housing is changing with the times. What was once a place where students could come together to drink and party while their parents paid the bills has evolved into something more. University housing units are increasingly becoming hubs for interaction between college age students, faculty members, and the surrounding community. After all, colleges want to attract smart students, so they need to create an attractive environment. The advent of firms like Nelson Partners and others that specialize in student housing renovations shows that colleges are trying to create a community on campus rather than just a place for students to live.
So what does the future hold for college housing? Here are a few things we can expect to see:
More Dining Options
College dining halls have been closing, prompting colleges to open up catering businesses. In turn, this will cause a larger demand for on-campus housing because more and more students will be looking to take advantage of the increased food options. Increased demand for college housing means bigger buildings and more space for students. This increased density is a good thing because it will allow more young people the opportunity to attend college.
24-Hour Spaces
In order to accommodate demand from students who wish to have a place where they can socialize past curfew, colleges are going to start opening up spaces with 24-hour access. This could be anything from a bar on campus to a place where students can play video games. Colleges want to create places for their students, which is one way they can do it.
Café and Coffee Shops
With the recent popularity of Starbucks, Jamba Juice, and other such businesses, colleges are realizing that they need to get in on the action too. These stores provide more than just caffeinated beverages (although that’s not a bad thing). They also serve as inexpensive meeting grounds for students who wish to socialize or study together during the day. This will give campuses another space where people congregate and make friends…but don’t expect alcohol to be banned completely; we know how much college kids love cheap beer!
Technology Amenities
In recent times colleges have been moving towards free wireless Internet on campus. In addition to this, businesses like Google Fiber are making a dent in the student housing landscape by giving away gigabit-speed Internet for free for seven years! Now that students can get lightning fast speeds from which they can watch their favorite shows and download music, colleges will have to upgrade WiFi connections so people don’t complain about lack of bandwidth.
Open Space Designs
Another way colleges are trying to make their campuses more attractive is by allowing students to spread out. This means redesigning the existing housing units or building new ones that allow for more open space and less cramming everyone into one room. Some campuses like MIT and Purdue University boast impressive designs that take up entire city blocks, giving students ample space to roam around, relax and take it all in.
There will always be a need for college housing as long as there are higher education institutions; we can expect to see these types of changes throughout 2022 as schools try to compete with other colleges on campus amenities and tuition costs.