3 Tips For Learning About Interior Design For The First Time

If you’re ready to try your hand at interior design, be it as a way to design your own home or as a potential career that you might be interested in, there are a few things that you should learn as you’re starting out. Luckily, these things are very basic and can help you have a solid foundation to further build your experience at interior design.

To show you just what these things are, here are three tips for learning about interior design for the first time.

Start With The Basics

As you’re getting ready to learn more about interior design, the best place to start is with the basics.

Some of the basic principles of interior design include finding a style, choosing a focal point, and creating balance. To give yourself a jumping off point for all of these things, you might want to spend some time reading interior design articles that can give you some information about them and how to implement them into your own designs.

Until you really get some practice using all of these basic principles of design, you might have a hard time really seeing how they work together as the fundamentals of interior design. But once you’re able to incorporate the principles of style, focal point, and balance into the decisions that you make when designing a space, you’ll start to really get a handle on interior design.

Work From A Mood Board

For most people just starting off with interior design, there’s going to be a lot more time that goes into the planning aspects than they might expect.

To help you with this planning, you should consider creating mood boards that you’re able to work from. For every space that you’re going to be designing, put together a board full of your inspiration and the design elements that you want to incorporate into this space. Then, as you seek to find the actual pieces that you’ll be using, you can refer back to your mood board to determine if everything fits together as you’d imagined.

Embrace An Eclectic Style

One thing that many amateur interior designers tend to lean too hard on is matching. While it can be good to have certain parts of your design match or be complementary, having too many things that are matchy-matchy is a sure sign of an interior designer who doesn’t trust themselves.

To fight against this desire to match, you should try to embrace a more eclectic style. Look for elements that you like that also fit well on your mood boards. Try not to use many things that come in sets to really push yourself and your design eye to find what works for you and your specific space.

If you’re ready to start learning about interior design for the first time, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you see where to begin.



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