Ways In Which Technology Has Enhanced Human Health

Technology defines most of our daily activities today, from ordering a variety of products and services online, using the Internet to find information, reading e-books, watching movies and listening to music. However, the more important contributions of technology have been made to science, learning and medical fields of study and practice. Although technology is often blamed for making human beings overly dependent on it for functioning on a daily basis, it has helped shape the highly advanced health sector, the benefits of which many of us enjoy more often than we may imagine. Here are a few ways in which technology has enhanced human health.

Larger store of information

As more and more people began accessing the Internet, there was a rise in the number of discussion forums and then websites pertaining to health care and treatment. Today, common people use the Internet to talk about ailments and injuries they have experienced, what medical aid they received or are looking to receive. Some websites have diagnosis, treatment and related advice by medical professionals. One still has to use their discretion to assess whether to take that advice, but there is no dearth of medical information on the Internet.

Improved communication system

Before technology enabled patient-doctor communication via telephone and the Internet, many patients had to travel far and in difficult circumstances to see a doctor. Severely ailing patients were often not able to access medical care because of distance problems, but with technological advancement, one can now e-mail, chat and video call health professionals easily. The new communication system has also helped those with mental health problems, via the use of confidential help lines to discuss such issues as depression, anxiety and other debilitating disorders.

Better research options

Advancement in technology has aided breakthrough in many spheres of medical research. New discoveries are being made every day, and it is all due to the high quality infrastructure that technology has provided humankind with. Because of technological development, it is also possible for scientists and doctors to broadcast their findings to the general public via the Internet. Websites like thebannerherald.com have a separate section dedicated to studies and discoveries in the field of science.

New equipment and treatment

New technology has helped in the creation of useful equipments like the X-ray, the pacemaker; scan machines enabling the CAT scan, MRI, to assess the functioning of vital organs; ultrasound technology to observe the growth and development of fetuses, and much more. Technology has led to the eradication of several dangerous diseases such as smallpox and filariasis, and is working to eradicate others such as meningitis, cancer and AIDS.

DNA sequencing

Each strand of DNA contains important biological information about a person’s genetics. DNA sequencing is helping research that is trying to determine the role of genetics in the occurrence of certain diseases, and to arrest the occurrence of congenital diseases in the prenatal stage itself.

These are only a few ways in which technology has led to an improvement in human health care. Technology has given mankind myriad gifts in the health sector, the positive effects of which we will continue to benefit from in future.


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