2020: The year of positive energy in my home
It is going to be remembered for a whole host of different things and as we all know, most of these are hardly going to be positive.
For me, I’m trying to put a different spin on 2020. I’m trying to bring as much positivity into the year as possible and considering how much time I’m spending within these four walls; my home is receiving the lion’s share of my creativity.
First and foremost, I’m not the type of person who has really bought into Feng Shui in the past. I believe in positive energy, but it has to be on my terms. This might go against the so-called science, but there have been a lot of tips and tricks I have implemented which have just brought a bit of lightness to mine and my family’s life.
For example, let’s start with the natural sunlight. Apparently, there is a bit of science behind this first point, as natural light can stimulate the production of Vitamin D (which, in turn, creates better moods).
I’ve changed my approach to interior design somewhat and now place every emphasis possible on natural light. This isn’t just about using window dressings stereotypically either, although this does help no-end. It has also been about placing mirrors on walls opposite mirrors, or even cleaning windows a little more regularly. It has all helped to bring much more lightness into our home and ultimately, make it a happier place.
The natural light hasn’t just helped people though, it has stimulated the growth of other things in my home. For example, I’ve now started to place a lot more attention on flowers. They just add a fresh vibe to our living space and bring a little bit of color in these times of need.
Avas Flowers have helped me endlessly with this, mainly through the official Avas Flowers Instagram page which has provided more inspiration than you would imagine. I’ve been lucky enough to stumble across a couple of Avas Flowers coupons pages, and I’ll proudly admit that I have been leaving Avas Flowers reviews on any platform that will have me! I don’t have to go out to the store, everything is delivered safely to me.
Some of the positive energy transformations have been a little more permanent, as well. For example, I’ve recently started decorating for the first time in the last ten years. It’s meant that the once fashionable, but now dull and drab tones are gone and in their place are fresh, spring tones that have done wonders for everyone’s mood. It’s like old, heavy memories have been banished.
In truth, my positive energy journey has only just begun, but I’m loving the results. Hopefully, when the current situation ends, I will continue these tactics and perhaps add more to my arsenal. I will keep you updated on my progress.