5 Quick Ways to Cut Down on Your Energy Bills All Year-Round
Everyone worries about their bills at some point and household energy bills are often one of the big expenses in any household. That’s why it’s important to keep them affordable as much as possible. Luckily, there are many things you can do to ensure your bills are kept under control, and it usually means just making a few small changes to your lifestyle.
- Get a smart meter
Around half of households in the USA have a smart meter, so if your home hasn’t had one set up yet, it’s worth considering. A smart meter is a good way of seeing how much you’re spending every time you run the dryer, cook dinner, or take a hot bath so that you can budget appropriately.
- Turn down your thermostat a couple of notches
You probably wouldn’t notice if someone turned your thermostat down a couple of Fahrenheit, yet you can save about 10% on your bills by having your heating turned down just a little. Many people are used to wandering around their house in t-shirts, even in the middle of winter, so keep yourself bundled up, and you won’t have to spend so much on energy. Wear slippers and have a blanket nearby on the couch, so if you feel cold, try snuggling up first, then turning the heating up second.
- Get your appliances serviced
As appliances age, they become less energy efficient, but there’s usually no reason to replace them. Get things around your house serviced regularly, and they’ll last for longer, as well as giving you peak performance. For example, find an air conditioning specialist to carry out a service, and your system will work more efficiently and cost less to run. It can help you avoid those costly summer energy bills from running the air con all day.
- Check your insulation
Poorly installed insulation could mean money is escaping from your roof and walls every day. If you often feel drafts and have to turn up the heating to cover them, or you find certain rooms are warmer than others, then it might be because of poor insulation. Newer homes usually have better insulation than older properties, but you should still check it every year and replace it with thicker insulation if needed.
- Unplug appliances if not in use
It’s easy to get in the habit of keeping things plugged in all the time, even if you’re not planning on using them any time soon, but unplugging unused items can save energy and save you money. Unplug everything from the TV to the toaster when not in use, and you’ll soon notice the savings on your energy bills. Even a few cents soon add up over the year.
Saving energy doesn’t mean you have to sit in a cold or boiling hot house and not enjoy your life. You can still save money on your bills while living comfortably, and if you follow the above tips, you won’t notice much difference, other than the smaller bills coming through your door.