The Different Types of Antiques That You Should Start Collecting

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Looking for a new hobby that doesn’t involve a screen or a streaming service? Collecting antiques is a great way to reconnect with the past and even other people in your life. And you can also make some money along the way.

If you’re looking at all the different types of antiques and don’t know where to start, this list will give you a good idea. Collecting doesn’t have to take up your whole life, it can occupy a single shelf in your basement if you want.

Distracted by the Decoy

Have you ever seen those old wooden mallards lying about? Maybe someone has it on a shelf or it’s amongst a bunch of other wooden carvings at a thrift store or flea market. Decoys can sell for tens of thousands of dollars if made by a good company and in good condition.

Don’t be distracted by shinier objects when building your antique collection. A gold mine could be right under your nose in the shape of an old duck.

Nose to the Books

There are so many types of hobbies, and reading is a fairly common one. But when you’re considering the best antiques to collect, rare books are an excellent choice.

They can get quite pricey, so if you stick with the basics and only shop at cheaper flea markets and the like you could make some great finds. If they are well maintained their value can grow, and you can enjoy a shelf of beautiful works in the meantime.

Time to Clock In

Vintage clocks can be worth tons of money, and even those that are more common can garner some attention and cash. Antique clocks are one of the best collections you can build. They’re worth something, especially if you find a rare one, and you can go as big or as small as you want.

You can collect standing grandfather clocks or go for vintage timepieces kept in your pocket. Some of the best collections have a wide variety of styles and ages represented. Don’t limit yourself on one time period or timepiece, expand your options and your collection will expand as well.

Keep It in the Kitchen

If you’re going to build an antique collection, why not choose something useful? You collect 60s glassware or only cutlery, it’s up to you. There are many amazing old kitchen tools and tableware that are worth collecting.

From stoneware to glassware there are all kinds of styles to choose from for your collection. And if you already have a lot of one thing, like enamelware, learn more about it at

All Types of Antiques

Some of the best collections aren’t limited by the types of antiques collected. Once you get started, you may find you have an eye for several different styles, or maybe one specific time period. Collecting can be exhilarating and it only takes up as much time as you want to put in.

So don’t wait to get started. Find the places near you selling antiques and get hunting today. And if you found this helpful in finding some inspiration, keep reading for more good tips.


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